Bigfoot Expedition Uncovers Curious Findings Near Pikes Peak

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Mom has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "Sam Hears Heavy Footsteps in the Woods. Was it Bigfoot?", the channel's hosts, Sam and his mother, embark on a Bigfoot expedition on the west side of Pikes Peak at Cragmore Ranch. In the video, Sam shares a BFRO (Bigfoot Field Research Organization) report from 1998 of a Bigfoot sighting in the area they are exploring. The report is from a big game guide named Jeff who had two separate sightings in the same area. The first sighting occurred while Jeff was leading a group on horseback and his horse suddenly became spooked. When Jeff got off his horse to try and calm it down, he saw a seven-foot creature standing in front of the trail. The creature then quickly ran down the valley and disappeared. The next day, Jeff returned to the area and found large footprints, which he estimated to be 20 inches long. He spent the night in the area and heard an elk bugle call in the middle of the night. When he went to investigate, he saw a creature squatting near a beaver pond. The creature then stood up and walked towards Jeff's camp, causing him to quickly pack up and leave the area. Sam and his mother explore the area where the sighting occurred and come across some interesting findings. They find three branches that have been purposefully woven together and placed on a tree. They also find an area with smooth, flat rocks that they believe may have been used for carvings. As they continue their hike, they hear what they believe to be heavy footsteps and a whoop, but they are unable to determine the source. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I found this video to be intriguing and worth sharing with our readers. The BFRO report and the findings in the area where the sighting occurred add credibility to the possibility of Bigfoot's existence in the area. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Interest level: 7/10. The video features an interesting BFRO report, findings in the area where the sighting occurred, and possible evidence of Bigfoot activity. The video is worth watching and discussing among the Bigfoot community.