A new video has surfaced on YouTube that delves into the legend of the Fouke Monster, also known as the Southern Sasquatch. The creature was reportedly seen in Fouke, Miller County, Arkansas during the early 1970s and was accused of attacking a local family.
According to the video, initial sightings of the creature were concentrated in the Jonesville Boggy Creek area, where it was blamed for the destruction of local livestock. Later sightings were made several hundred miles to the North and the east of Fouke.
Witnesses described the Fouke Monster as a large hominid-like creature covered in long dark hair, estimated to be about seven feet tall and weighing between 250 to 300 pounds. Some reports claim that the creature was far larger, with one report describing it as 10 feet tall and weighing 800 pounds.
The video also mentions that the Fouke Monster is said to run swiftly with a galloping gait and swing its arms in a fashion similar to a monkey. Reports also describe it as having a terrible odor, with the smell being described as a combination of a skunk and a wet dog.
A variety of tracks and claw marks have been discovered, which are claimed to belong to the creature. One set of footprints reportedly measured 17 inches in length and 7 inches wide, while another appeared to show the creature only having three toes.
As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I encourage our readers to check out the video for themselves and form their own opinions. The Fouke Monster is a fascinating and enduring legend in the world of Bigfoot research, and this new video adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding this elusive creature. Don't forget to watch, like, and share the video on all your social media platforms, and be sure to check out the YouTube channel, Bigfoot in the Forest, for more intriguing Bigfoot content.