Snapchat Captures Stunning Bigfoot Leap in Forest Road Video
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community, and it's easy to see why. The video, taken by a woman working on a forest road, appears to show a Bigfoot leaping from tree to tree with incredible speed and agility.
The video, posted by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization, shows the woman clearing trees and branches on an unimproved forest road. She was Snapchatting when she caught a glimpse of something extraordinary - a Bigfoot jumping from tree to tree with lightning speed.
According to the video, the Bigfoot was able to control its descent from the trees by grabbing branches or the trunk, allowing it to propel itself forward without sustaining injury. The video also suggests that the Bigfoot may have landed on a branch with its feet before launching itself to the next tree.
One of the most impressive moments in the video is when the Bigfoot appears to be airborne, with both arms in the air and its legs kicked back at a 90-degree angle. It then grabs hold of the next tree and launches itself into the brush, disappearing in less than two seconds.
The video has sparked a lot of discussion in the Bigfoot community, with many people impressed by the creature's agility and control. Some have suggested that the Bigfoot in the video may be using a controlled descent technique to move through the forest, allowing it to travel quickly and quietly without sustaining injury.
Others have suggested that the Bigfoot may be an escaped giant monkey, or even a superhuman gymnast in a monkey suit. However, many Bigfoot believers are convinced that the video is genuine, and that it provides yet another piece of evidence for the existence of these elusive creatures.
Regardless of whether or not the video is genuine, it's an impressive display of agility and control. The woman who took the video was lucky to catch a glimpse of this extraordinary creature, and the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization should be commended for bringing it to the attention of the Bigfoot community.
If you haven't seen the video yet, it's definitely worth checking out. Who knows, you might just catch a glimpse of Bigfoot in action.