White Bigfoot Sighting: Revealing Mysterious Structures and Beaver Return

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube that is sure to pique the interest of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, posted by the YouTube channel SWAN LAKE BIGFOOT, features a comparison of a white Bigfoot to a human for size reference. The video begins with the channel's owner discussing a bed of white hair they found in the north pasture of their property. They believe it to be a Sasquatch bed due to the strong, musky smell that was present. They also mention the return of beavers to the area, which they see as a positive sign for the local ecosystem. As the video continues, the owner takes us to a spot in the woods where they believe a white Bigfoot was standing. They compare the height of the spot to their own height and estimate that the Bigfoot was around seven feet tall. One of the most interesting aspects of the video is the mention of activity at a chalkboard. The owner explains that they had set up a camera to capture any activity, but when they checked it, they found that something had taken the i-cord and hangers that were hanging from the knitting stitches. They speculate that it may have been the work of the Sasquatch they believe is in the area. While it's impossible to say for certain if the white Bigfoot in the video is real, the channel's owner presents a compelling argument for its existence. The video is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the world of Bigfoot. I am always excited to see new videos and evidence of these elusive creatures. The possibility of a white Bigfoot is particularly intriguing, as it is a rare sighting. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out this video and form their own opinions. Who knows, it may be the proof we've all been waiting for.