Boy's Encounter with Intelligent Bigfoot near Fish Baskets in 1977

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a close encounter with a possible Sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch Chronicles. The witness, Steve, describes his experience which took place over 40 years ago when he was just 10 years old. Steve was on a fishing trip with his father and his father's friend and their sons. They had set up camp on a sandbar next to a spring-fed river. At around 3 AM, Steve was awakened by stomach pains and went to sit by the fire. It was then that he heard a swishing sound, similar to someone walking in knee-high water. As he looked up, he saw a figure standing in the water, just a few feet away from him. Steve describes the figure as having a "little bit of a neck" and being "hunched over" with "long arms" and "hairy" but not with a thick fur like a bear. He also notes that the figure had "eyes like a human" with white around them, but no visible pupils. The figure proceeded to take two fish baskets, one of which was a live trap, and walked back into the water. Steve was not scared or threatened, but he was still a child and went back to the tent to lie down. In the morning, Steve told his father about the encounter and his father warned him not to tell anyone else. The boy who was with them asked if they were missing a fish basket, and Steve's father made up a story about a snapping turtle taking it. Steve's description of the figure as a "caveman" is interesting, as it suggests that he saw a more primitive version of Sasquatch. The creature's behavior, such as looking at Steve before taking the fish, also indicates a level of intelligence. Overall, this is a captivating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter. The witness's description of the creature and its behavior is intriguing and adds to the body of evidence supporting the existence of these elusive creatures. Be sure to check out the video on Sasquatch Chronicles to hear the full account.