Japan's Hibigan: Black Creature with White Hands - New Bigfoot Evidence?
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Intriguing new video evidence has emerged from the YouTube channel "Bigfoot in the Forest," shedding light on the elusive creature known as the Hibagon in Japan. This cryptid is said to roam the forests of Mount Heba in the Hiroshima province, and is described as a black creature with white hands and large white feet, standing around five feet tall.
The Hibagon is said to have a large nose, large deep glaring eyes, and is covered with bristles. Some theories suggest that the creature is a gorilla, a wild man, or even a being ravaged by atomic radiation from the nuclear attack on Hiroshima.
One sighting from 1972 describes the creature as having a chocolate brown face and being covered with brown hair, with deep glaring eyes. In two separate reports by a Mr. Cesawa and a Mrs. Harada, the creature took no hostile action and fled from four armed residents who had intended to hunt it. Japanese boy scouts even claimed to have found Footprints belonging to the Hibagon creature, measuring 10 inches long and six inches wide.
The video also touches on the various explanations for the Hibagon's existence, ranging from a gorilla to a wild man or a creature affected by atomic radiation. It's fascinating to consider the different possibilities and the potential for a new species of undiscovered hominid.
I am always excited to see new evidence and perspectives on the existence of these elusive creatures. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions on the Hibagon. Don't forget to like and share the video on all your social media platforms.
In the world of cryptozoology, every new piece of evidence brings us one step closer to understanding the mysteries that surround us. The Hibagon is just one more piece of the puzzle, and I, for one, am eager to see what other discoveries await us in the world of Bigfoot research.