1936 Bigfoot Sighting in Alabama: Sheriff and Posse Search Swamp

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you heard about the fascinating newspaper report from 1936 that was recently brought to light by the YouTube channel Forgotten Voices: Books and Folklore? This report, which was published in the Modesto Bee, tells the story of a posse of wild men hunters who were led by the sheriff of Anniston, Alabama, into the Choco Loco Valley swamp in search of a strange gorilla-like family. According to the report, rural residents had spotted a man, woman, and child whose bodies were covered in hair and who sometimes walked on all fours. Can you imagine the excitement and intrigue that this must have caused among the local community? The fact that this report is from 1936 makes it all the more intriguing. At this time, the concept of Bigfoot or Sasquatch was not as well-known or widely accepted as it is today. This means that the people who spotted this gorilla-like family were likely even more shocked and confused by what they saw. It's also worth noting that the report specifically mentions a family of these gorilla-like creatures, rather than just a single individual. This raises the possibility that there may have been a whole community of Bigfoot living in the Choco Loco Valley swamp at this time. Of course, it's good to remember that this report is from many years ago, and it's possible that the gorilla-like family that was spotted was not actually Bigfoot. However, the fact that this report exists at all is a fascinating reminder of the enduring mystery and allure of Bigfoot. If you're interested in learning more about this report and the work of Forgotten Voices: Books and Folklore, be sure to check out their YouTube channel and watch the full video. Who knows what other fascinating stories and reports they may have uncovered? I am always excited to learn about new reports and sightings of this elusive creature. The fact that this report is from so long ago only adds to its intrigue and mystery. I can't wait to see what other fascinating stories and reports Forgotten Voices: Books and Folklore may uncover in the future.