Witness Describes Sasquatch Canopy and Nocturnal Eyelens - Migration Imminent?

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Sgt Lane Cryptid Encounters has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. The video, titled "Ancient Sasquatch Giants of Appalachia," offers a glimpse into the world of these elusive creatures and their behavior during the changing seasons. The video starts off by showing what appears to be a canopy built by the Sasquatch, which they use to camouflage themselves from the sky. The changing leaves and colder weather signal that it's time for the Sasquatch to migrate, but they'll be back the following year. As the video continues, a mid-sized Sasquatch can be seen peeking through the vegetation, making sure to stay hidden from view. The creature's nocturnal lens can be seen covering its eye, a unique feature that has been reported by other witnesses. The video also shows a larger Sasquatch, who is under the brown canopy. The creature is sewing together a road-type thing made of the collective tribe's hair, which they use to carry the little ones in and move around. Sgt Lane also mentions feeling tremors on the floor of his garage, which he believes were caused by the Sasquatch. This is a common experience reported by those who live near Sasquatch habitats. I am always excited to see new footage and witness accounts of these elusive creatures. This video offers a unique perspective on Sasquatch behavior during the changing seasons and their use of camouflage to stay hidden from view. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers to check out the video and share your thoughts with the community. Who knows, your observation might lead to a new understanding of these ancient giants of Appalachia.