Pakistani Bigfoot: 50 Eyewitness Accounts of the Barmanow
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
A new video has surfaced on YouTube that explores the legend of the Barmanou, a bipedal humanoid primate said to inhabit the mountainous regions of Western Pakistan. The creature is described as having both human and ape-like characteristics and is known to abduct women and attempt to mate with them. The proposed range of the Barmanou covers the Chichral and Karakoram ranges between the Pamirs and the Himalaya, placing it between the ranges of two other famous cryptids, the Almas of Central Asia and the Yeti of the Himalayas.
The video, posted by the YouTube channel Bigfoot in the Forest, delves into the history of the search for the Barmanou. The first search in Pakistan for the bipedal humanoid was carried out by a Spanish zoologist living in France by the name of Jordi Magraner from 1987 to 1990. Magraner collected over 50 first-hand accounts of encounters with the creature before his untimely death in Afghanistan in 2002.
The Barmanou is known by several names in different Pakistani languages, and its appearance in folklore varies depending on the region. In some stories, it is described as an ape, while in others, it is depicted as a wild man. The creature's reputation for abducting women and attempting to mate with them has made it a subject of fear and fascination in the northern regions of Pakistan.
I am always excited to learn about new cryptids and the legends surrounding them. The Barmanou is a particularly intriguing creature, with its unique blend of human and ape-like characteristics and its proposed range in the mountainous regions of Western Pakistan. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and learn more about this fascinating cryptid.
The video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast or researcher. It provides a wealth of information about the Barmanou and its place in Pakistani folklore. The video also highlights the work of Jordi Magraner, a pioneering researcher in the search for the Barmanou.
Wrapping up, the Barmanou is a fascinating cryptid that deserves further study and exploration. The video posted by Bigfoot in the Forest provides a great starting point for anyone interested in learning more about this elusive creature. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video, do their own research, and share their thoughts and findings with the Bigfoot community.