Hunter's Encounter with Arkansas Bigfoot: A Hidden Truth Revealed

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with an Arkansas Bigfoot has been reported by a hunter in Miller County, and the story is making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, posted on the YouTube channel Rothline, features an interview with the hunter, who wishes to remain anonymous, as he recounts his terrifying experience. The hunter, an experienced outdoorsman who had lived in Northeast Texas near Texarkana for several years, was hunting with his buddies in an area known as Thornton Wells. It was a cold night, and the whole area was flooded with over a foot of brackish swamp water. As he was making his way through the flooded timber, he heard something walking behind him. Assuming it was one of his hunting partners, he called out to them, but there was no answer. It was then that he encountered a putrid smell and heard a deep-throated gurgling growl. His dogs, which were on leashes, started whimpering and moved behind him. He had never seen his dogs afraid before. As he turned to look, he saw a large hairy creature standing in the woods behind him. The creature growled and started kicking water towards him, making it clear that it did not want him there. The hunter and his dogs quickly left the area, but not before he noticed a large footprint that was about 22 inches long and had toe prints. He did not stay long enough to examine the print, as he could still hear the growling creature. For several nights, the hunter had nightmares about this encounter, but he did not tell anyone about it until he saw an article in a newspaper about Damien Crawford, a Bigfoot researcher who had given a presentation recently. Knowing that he would probably regret telling his story, he called and talked to Mr. Crawford about his encounter with an Arkansas Bigfoot. This video is a must-watch for all Bigfoot enthusiasts. The hunter's account is chilling, and it provides yet another piece of evidence that these elusive creatures are out there, making their presence known. The video also serves as a reminder to always be cautious and aware of your surroundings when you're out in the wilderness. You never know what kind of creatures you might encounter. I encourage all of our readers to watch this video and share their thoughts with us. The Bigfoot community is always eager to hear new stories and evidence of these elusive creatures. Let's continue to support each other and share our passion for Bigfoot.