Hiker Discovers Detective's Hidden Camera Footage of Mysterious Being in BC Coastal Mountains

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube that is sure to pique the interest of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, posted by the YouTube channel The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH, appears to show footage of a Sasquatch captured during a crime investigation. According to the video, the footage was taken from a hidden camera that was deployed by a detective for an investigation into an illegal grow operation in the coastal mountains of British Columbia. The officer who retrieved the content knew of the other officer's interest in the topic of Bigfoot and passed the footage along to them. The video shows what appears to be a large, upright being with long arms in the water. The creature's hair pattern is quite distinct, with a thick mane-like covering on its back and a different texture on its arm. The officer who released the video is certain that it is not a bear, and suggests that the pattern of the hair resembles that of a bull elk, although the wrong color. The officer who released the video also mentions that they have other videos of the creature, but have not yet released them publicly. They plan to try to recreate one of the videos using a human to hold the camera and film from the same spot, in order to provide a clearer view of the creature. As a Bigfoot researcher and believer, I am always excited to see new footage and evidence of these elusive creatures. The fact that this video was captured during a crime investigation adds an extra layer of intrigue to the story. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and form their own opinions on what it shows. It's good to note that while this video is exciting and intriguing, it is always important to approach any potential Bigfoot evidence with a critical eye. Further analysis and investigation will be needed to confirm the authenticity of the video and the identity of the creature it shows. Despite the need for further investigation, I am excited to see this new footage and the potential it holds for furthering our understanding of Bigfoot. I will be keeping an eye on this story and will share any updates as they become available. In the meantime, I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to keep an open mind and to continue searching for evidence of these elusive creatures. Who knows what other exciting discoveries await us in the world of Bigfoot research?