Yellowstone's Mysterious Shoegaze-Like Sounds: Bigfoot or Volcano?

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

As a Bigfoot believer and researcher, I recently came across a fascinating video from the YouTube channel Science vs Conspiracy over Coffee. The video explores the mysterious sounds heard in Yellowstone National Park, which have been described as having a similar tone and texture to dream pop and shoegaze music. The video begins with a brief history of shoegaze music, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. Shoegaze gets its name from the way musicians would often look down at their feet and effects pedals while performing, creating a "wall of noise" with complex and layered sounds. Intriguingly, similar sounds can be heard in the vast open areas surrounding Yellowstone Lake, where the hunting melodies echo through the lush forests and wildlife-filled landscape. The origin of these sounds remains a mystery, with theories ranging from unique weather conditions to something more mystical and elusive. The video also touches on the topic of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, a creature that has been part of ancient indigenous Nations' stories for centuries. Despite numerous legends and folklore surrounding Sasquatch, there have been no official sightings or documents explaining the mysterious sounds in Yellowstone National Park. As a Bigfoot believer, I find the possibility of Sasquatch making these sounds exciting, but the scientific community remains skeptical. The video also explores other theories, such as the sounds being caused by the Yellowstone supervolcano Caldera or something subterranean like an earthquake or magma filling the chamber beneath the Caldera. The video serves as a great reminder of the beauty and mystery that Yellowstone National Park holds. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, the sounds heard in the park are undeniably intriguing and worth exploring further. I encourage readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the mysterious sounds of Yellowstone National Park. Who knows, maybe one day we'll uncover the truth behind these fascinating sounds.