Rangers Encounter Three Mysterious Creatures in Northern California

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A ranger's encounter with a Bigfoot family in Northern California has left the ranger so shaken that he resigned from his position. The encounter took place in early 2009 in the Smith River area of Del Norte County, Northern California. The ranger, who we'll call Scott, had invited a friend, who is a Bigfoot enthusiast, to go on a hike with him to look for illegal bear hunters. As they hiked, the ranger repeatedly dismissed the existence of Bigfoot, stating that it was just in the enthusiast's imagination. However, things took a turn when they reached a ridge with an open area that allowed them to see the valley below. The enthusiast took out his binoculars and scanned the area, spotting three creatures about a quarter of a mile away in a grassy area near the edge of a cliff. The ranger was skeptical at first, but when he looked through the binoculars, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The male creature was standing erect, facing them, while the female was doing something in the grass with a smaller creature. The ranger described the male as being about eight feet tall. They watched the creatures for at least 10 minutes before the male did something with its right hand and they all turned and disappeared into the tree line along the cliff. The ranger was visibly shaken by the encounter and was nervous as they followed the trail left by the creatures. They tracked them for miles, but eventually, the trail ended, leaving them sitting with miles in between them and the creatures. The ranger was so shaken by the encounter that he resigned from his position as a ranger and moved to Santa Barbara. This encounter is a reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Bigfoot. Despite the lack of physical evidence, encounters like this continue to fuel the belief in the existence of Bigfoot. It's also a reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind and not dismissing the possibility of something just because it hasn't been scientifically proven. On a side note, if you're planning on going on a hike in Bigfoot territory, it's always a good idea to bring night gear with you, just in case you have an encounter and need to track the creatures in the dark. And if you do have an encounter, be sure to share it with us! We love hearing about the experiences of fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. To sum up, this encounter is a fascinating and chilling reminder of the existence of Bigfoot. It's good to remember that these creatures are elusive and not much is known about them. Encounters like this one continue to fuel the belief in the existence of Bigfoot and remind us to keep an open mind and not dismiss the possibility of something just because it hasn't been scientifically proven. So, next time you're out in the wilderness, keep your eyes peeled and your camera ready, you never know when you might have an encounter with the elusive and mysterious Bigfoot. And if you do, be sure to share it with us, we would love to hear about it! Sources: * The encounter was reported by a YouTube channel called "Weird Wilderness" * The encounter took place in early 2009 in the Smith River area of Del Norte County Northern California * The encounter was reported by a ranger who resigned from his position after the encounter * The encounter was with a family of Bigfoot, including a male, female and a smaller creature. * The male was described as being about 8 feet tall. * The creatures were tracked for miles before the trail ended. * The ranger was visibly shaken by the encounter. * It's good to keep an open mind and not dismiss the possibility of something just because it hasn't been scientifically proven. * Always bring night gear with you when you're hiking in Bigfoot territory. * Share your encounter with us, we would love to hear about it!