Mary Fabian's Encounter: Discovering Bigfoot through DNA and Training

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent live stream on the YouTube channel Cryptonormal Encounters with B Moss, Mary Fabian, founder of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot project, shared her knowledge and experiences with Bigfoot. As a curator of interesting and educational content, I was excited to delve into the insights she provided. Mary began by recounting her first Bigfoot sighting at the age of 11, while hiking on her family's farm in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. She described the creature as having a neanderthal-like appearance, with black hair covering its body. The experience left a lasting impression on Mary and sparked her lifelong interest in Bigfoot research. One topic Mary touched on was the idea that certain people may be more likely to encounter Bigfoot than others. She suggested that this could be due to DNA alterations caused by infrasound, or simply because their brains have been trained to recognize the signs of a Bigfoot's presence. This is a fascinating concept, as it raises questions about the potential for heightened sensory perception in certain individuals. Mary also discussed the importance of community in Bigfoot research, highlighting the value of groups like the Pennsylvania Bigfoot project. These communities provide a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and evidence, and help to advance our understanding of these elusive creatures. As a side note, it's worth mentioning that infrasound, the low-frequency sound waves Mary mentioned, can also be produced by natural phenomena such as volcanoes and waterfalls. This is just one example of the fascinating scientific concepts that often intersect with the world of Bigfoot research. Towards the end of the live stream, Mary shared some resources for those interested in learning more about Bigfoot, including her book "What I've Learned About Bigfoot 50 Years and Counting," available on Amazon Kindle. To sum up, Mary Fabian's live stream provided valuable insights into the world of Bigfoot research. Her experiences and knowledge serve as a reminder of the importance of community and continued exploration in our quest to understand these mysterious creatures. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the full live stream and continue to expand their knowledge on this fascinating subject.