Sasquatch Outpost: New Movie Room and Expedition Updates with Guest Jim Medina
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
In the latest episode of the Sasquatch Outpost podcast, host Jim Myers interviews Jim Medina, a long-time researcher of the elusive and enigmatic creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The two discuss their experiences and research in the Bailey, Colorado area, which is known for its high concentration of Sasquatch sightings and activity.
Before bringing on Jim Medina, Jim Myers shares some updates and news from the Sasquatch Outpost. He mentions that they are currently working on expanding their movie room to accommodate more visitors and make it a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone. He also encourages listeners to send in any stories, encounters, or interesting facts related to Bigfoot.
One interesting bit that Jim Myers shares at the beginning of the episode is about the history of the name "Bigfoot." The term was first coined in 1958 by a man named Jerry Crew, who discovered large footprints while working on a road construction project in California. The name "Bigfoot" quickly caught on and has been used ever since to refer to the creature.
During the interview, Jim Medina shares his background and how he became interested in Sasquatch research. He mentions that he grew up in Northglenn, Colorado and has always been an avid outdoorsman, spending much of his time hunting, fishing, and hiking in the mountains. It wasn't until he saw a broadcast of Unsolved Mysteries featuring a man named Dan Matthias, who had strong evidence of Sasquatch in his area, that he became truly intrigued by the creature.
Jim and Diana, his wife, became involved with the Sasquatch Outpost research team after attending a meeting at the Bailey high school. They were eager to learn more and get involved in the research and investigation of Sasquatch sightings and activity in the area.
Jim Medina also shares some of his personal experiences and encounters with Sasquatch, including hearing vocalizations and finding footprints. He emphasizes the importance of being quiet and observant in the woods, as this can increase the chances of having an encounter with the elusive creature.
Overall, this episode of the Sasquatch Outpost podcast is a fascinating and informative listen for anyone interested in Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The interview with Jim Medina provides valuable insights and perspectives on the creature and its presence in the Bailey, Colorado area. And as always, Jim Myers does an excellent job of hosting and providing updates and news from the Sasquatch Outpost.