Bigfoot Hunter Charles Edson's 17-Year Journey and Sasquatch Encounters

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a fascinating video from The Sasquatch Archives TV, we're taken on a journey back in time to 1962, where Deputy Sheriff Charles Edson shares his experiences and evidence of Bigfoot encounters. Edson, a seasoned Bigfoot hunter of 17 years, has taken motion pictures and made plaster casts of what he believes are its footprints. Throughout the interview, Edson emphasizes the elusive nature of Bigfoot, stating that it has a keen sense of smell and can detect metal, lumberjacks' axes, guns, and cameras. He also explains that Bigfoot hates noise and will remain far from logging crews or automobiles. Interestingly, Edson believes that Bigfoot uses moss and sap to keep warm, an ancient technique that has been passed down through generations. As curators of this captivating content, we couldn't help but dive deeper into the science behind Bigfoot's alleged use of moss and sap for warmth. It turns out that certain types of moss, such as reindeer moss, can provide insulation and have been used by indigenous communities for this purpose. Similarly, sap can act as a natural adhesive, which could explain why Bigfoot might use it to stick moss to its hair. Edson also touches upon Bigfoot's keen sense of smell, which is a trait shared by many animals in the wild. For instance, bloodhounds are known for their incredible sense of smell, which is approximately 1,000 times stronger than that of humans. This allows them to track scents over great distances, making it possible for them to follow a trail that is several days old. Although the video doesn't show any concrete evidence of Bigfoot's existence, it does provide valuable insights into the behaviors and survival techniques that this elusive creature might employ. As curators, we're excited to share this unique content with our readers and encourage everyone to watch the video for a more comprehensive understanding of Edson's experiences and theories. To sum up, the video from The Sasquatch Archives TV not only offers a glimpse into the world of Bigfoot hunting but also sheds light on the fascinating survival techniques and adaptations that these creatures might possess. By examining the science behind Edson's claims, we're able to deepen our appreciation for the mysteries that surround Bigfoot and the wilderness in which it allegedly resides.