Master Hughes' New Bigfoot Movie: Discover 'The Ouachita Incident' - Share Now!

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! Master Hughes, a well-known figure in the Bigfoot community, has recently shared some exciting news about his movies being picked up by various platforms. In his latest YouTube video, he expresses his gratitude to those who have supported him and helped his movies gain popularity. Master Hughes' movies, such as "Mountain Stalker," "Alone with Bigfoot," "Kimchi Beast Expedition," and "Trail of the Key," have been viewed over 35,000 times, earning him a small but significant income. He's currently working on the "Washita Incident," which is based on a true event that took place in Arkansas. Now, let's take a moment to learn something new and interesting that's unrelated to Bigfoot. In his video, Master Hughes mentioned that he's saving up to buy a better camera. If you're interested in filmmaking or videography, you might want to check out the latest cameras on the market. One popular option is the Sony A7S III, which boasts impressive features such as 4K resolution, 12.1-megapixel full-frame Exmor R CMOS sensor, and up to 1000 fps slow-motion recording. Go ahead and watch Master Hughes' video to learn more about his movies and the platforms that are carrying them. And who knows, you might even pick up some useful tips for your own filmmaking or videography projects. Remember, every penny counts, and with your support, Master Hughes can continue to create great content for the Bigfoot community.