Two Female Sasquatches and a Baby Spotted on Private Property: A Rare Encounter

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Greetings, fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! As a video curator for Squatchable, I'm always on the lookout for compelling evidence of our beloved Sasquatch. Today, I've come across a video from the YouTube channel Sgt Lane cryptid encounters that I believe is worth sharing. In the video, Sgt Lane shares some archive footage from July, showcasing what appears to be two female Sasquatches with their young ones. The footage is quite intriguing, as it offers a glimpse into the social dynamics of these elusive creatures. One of the females can be seen holding a baby, while the other has a young one on her back. According to Sgt Lane, the baby on her back has not yet developed the nocturnal shield over its eyes, making it easy to spot with a flashlight. The female Sasquatch herself has a slim build, with a predominant jawline and eyebrow ridges, but not as prominent as usual. Her eyes are clearly visible, reflecting the flashlight's light. Sgt Lane also points out a juvenile resting on the mother's head, which is quite an unusual sighting. Additionally, there's a male Sasquatch standing behind the female, with a baby on his forehead. As a curator, I find this video particularly interesting due to the rare glimpse it offers into the social structure of Sasquatch families. The footage also highlights the creatures' adaptability, as the babies are nocturnal, allowing them to move around safely during the night. Now, for some educational trivia unrelated to Bigfoot: did you know that nocturnal animals have a special layer in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum? This layer reflects light back through the retina, enhancing the light-gathering ability of the eye and improving night vision. So, whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or a curious newcomer, I encourage you to check out the video and share your thoughts with our community. Remember, every piece of evidence brings us one step closer to understanding these magnificent creatures. Happy squatching!