Ivan Marx's Encounter with Bigfoot: Exploring the Mystery

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In the world of Bigfoot research, there are always new and intriguing videos surfacing on platforms like YouTube. One such video, posted by The Sasquatch Archives TV, offers a fascinating look into the early 1980s and the ongoing search for the elusive creature. The video begins with a brief history lesson on Baron George Cuvier, a prominent biologist from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Cuvier is known for his declaration that there were no more new species of large animals left to be discovered. However, as we know, the world is still full of mysteries and undiscovered creatures. The video then moves on to the story of Ivan and Peggy, a couple who moved to Northern California in 1947 and found their utopia in the wilderness of Mount Shasta, Bigfoot country. Ivan learned tracking from his father and has since become an expert in the field. He shares his knowledge and experience in the video, discussing the importance of understanding animal tracks and behavior in order to survive in the wilderness. Ivan's wife Peggy also plays a crucial role in his expeditions, joining him on all of his adventures into the wilderness. The video features an interesting anecdote about an aggressive bear that attacked Ivan, only for Peggy to remain calm and keep her cool. In April 1981, Ivan received several reports of Bigfoot tracks in the Mount Lassen area. Unfortunately, he was out of movie film and had to rely on his Nikon cameras to capture any evidence. The video features footage of Ivan sitting and waiting by a water hole, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive creature. The video also touches on the idea of wild men or hairy creatures that have been reported throughout history. From the Saxon tribes of pre-Christian Europe to the Chinese Mongols of Asia, there are countless stories of human-like creatures inhabiting the wilderness. One interesting bit from the video is the mention of Dr. Boris Porschneff, a noted Russian scientist who reported on the hunting and taming of Bigfoot-like creatures in Asia. These creatures were even used for domestic purposes and were hunted for wild man medicine. Towards the end of the video, Ivan expresses his desire to meet with a man named White Bird. It's unclear what role White Bird plays in the search for Bigfoot, but it's clear that Ivan sees him as an important figure in the world of Bigfoot research. Overall, this video from The Sasquatch Archives TV offers a unique look into the world of Bigfoot research in the early 1980s. From the history of Cuvier to the personal stories of Ivan and Peggy, there's something for everyone in this intriguing video. Be sure to check it out for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments!