Utah Helicopter Pilot Discovers Potential Bigfoot Trackway in Farmington

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Bigfoot sightings are always exciting, but a daytime sighting in Farmington, Utah takes things to a whole new level. A local helicopter pilot heard about the sighting and decided to take a closer look. The result? Footage of what appears to be a trackway consistent with most credible Bigfoot trackways when the creature is running or moving at a brisk pace. The video, posted by Matrix7 Adventures, shows the helicopter pilot flying over the Wasatch Front mountain range, looking for evidence of the elusive Sasquatch. The trackway captured in the video shows long strides and footprints that are directly in front of each other, as if the creature is walking a tightrope. But what's even more interesting is the fact that the helicopter pilot's sighting is not the only evidence that has surfaced. The video caption mentions that several folks have asked if anyone had searched for tracks, and others have suggested sending a drone up to where the suspect Bigfoot was filmed. While we can't say for certain that the footage captured by the helicopter pilot is definitive proof of a Bigfoot sighting, it's certainly intriguing. The long strides and tightrope-like footprints are consistent with most credible Bigfoot trackways, and the fact that they were captured in broad daylight adds to the intrigue. Of course, it's good to remember that Bigfoot sightings should always be approached with an open mind. While the evidence presented in the video is compelling, it's always possible that there could be another explanation. In addition to the Bigfoot sighting, the video also provides some interesting bits of information about the Wasatch Front mountain range. The range is part of the Rocky Mountains and spans over 160 miles, with peaks reaching over 11,000 feet. The range is home to a variety of wildlife, including mountain lions, deer, and elk. The Wasatch Front is also home to several ski resorts, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. In fact, the area receives an average of 500 inches of snow per year, making it a winter wonderland for those who love to ski, snowboard, or simply enjoy the beauty of the mountains. So, whether you're a Bigfoot believer or just someone who loves a good mystery, the video posted by Matrix7 Adventures is definitely worth a watch. Who knows, you might just be the next person to capture footage of the elusive Sasquatch. And if you do, be sure to share it with us here at Squatchable!