Bigfoot: A Dangerous Predator? Military Training Map Suggests So

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're probably familiar with the Patterson-Gimlin film, a piece of footage taken in 1967 that appears to show a Sasquatch walking through the woods. But did you know that the US military recognized the existence of Bigfoot years before the film was taken? A map from the survival training grounds in Washington state, copyrighted in 1970, includes an artist's depiction of Bigfoot in a category of dangerous animals that soldiers might encounter in the wilderness. This official military document suggests that the US military knew about Bigfoot in that region before the Patterson-Gimlin film was taken. The map covers several training areas in Washington state, including the desert training area northeast of Yakima, the Sherman Peak training area north of Spokane, the rain forest and river training area in the uppermost northwest corner of the state, and the seashore training area west of Portland. The map is made of Tyvek, a material that is difficult to destroy, and includes information on edible plants and other survival skills. But the most interesting part of the map is the inclusion of Bigfoot as a dangerous animal that soldiers might encounter. This official recognition of the existence of Bigfoot is a fascinating bit of information that adds to the intrigue surrounding the creature. Of course, the existence of Bigfoot is still a topic of debate among many people. But the inclusion of the creature on this official military map suggests that at least some people in positions of authority believed in its existence. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot sightings and encounters, be sure to check out William Sheehan's podcast, "Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters." Sheehan has gathered thousands of eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot sightings from across North America and shares his findings in this fascinating series. So whether you're a Bigfoot believer or a skeptic, there's no denying the intrigue surrounding this mysterious creature. Who knows what other secrets about Bigfoot might be waiting to be discovered?