Author Details Two-Decade Relationship with Sasquatch Clan - Let's Find Out

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In this episode of "Let's Find Out" with co-host Diego, we delve into the fascinating world of Sasquatch and explore the unique experiences of author Leo Frank. Leo's story, as shared in his book "Sasquatch Family Ties," offers a fresh perspective on the relationship between humans and these elusive creatures. Co-host Diego introduces Leo as an individual with a lifetime of experience and a deep connection to Sasquatch families. Unlike many researchers who focus on evidence such as tracks, hair samples, or broken branches, Leo has formed actual relationships with these beings. This approach is intriguing, as it deviates from traditional methods and provides a new angle to consider. Leo's gifting technique, which involves leaving offerings for Sasquatches, has yielded results that he believes are unparalleled. He mentions that thousands of people have tried this method with success, but most prefer to remain anonymous due to the negative reactions they may face in the online Bigfoot community. As a curator, I find it interesting to learn about various approaches to researching Sasquatches. Leo's experiences offer valuable insights into the potential for forming connections with these mysterious beings. While some may dismiss his methods, it's essential to respect different viewpoints and remain open to alternative ways of understanding. During the conversation, Leo shares his first encounter with a Sasquatch in 1997. While hiking up a mountain brook, he initially mistook a black bear for a Sasquatch. However, upon further investigation, he realized that the creature he saw was not a bear but something far more intriguing. Leo's perspective on Sasquatches is rooted in his respect for Native American traditions and beliefs. He mentions that many native tribes have their own stories of wild men or Bigfoot-like creatures that have been watching humans for centuries. This connection to indigenous knowledge adds depth to Leo's experiences and highlights the importance of considering various cultural viewpoints when exploring the world of Sasquatches. As curators, it's our responsibility to share diverse experiences and viewpoints in the realm of Sasquatch research. By presenting Leo's unique story, we hope to inspire curiosity and foster an appreciation for the various ways people engage with these enigmatic beings. We encourage our readers to watch the full video and draw their conclusions about the validity of Leo's experiences and methods.