Vietnam Vet's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in 1980s West Virginia

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Greetings, fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! As a video curator for Squatchable, I'm always on the lookout for captivating stories and evidence related to our beloved Sasquatch. Today, I'm excited to share with you a discussion I came across from the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid, which features an intriguing account of a possible Bigfoot encounter. The story comes from a Vietnam veteran named Frank, who grew up in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Frank's interest in the outdoors began at a young age, as he spent much of his childhood exploring the woods. One particular experience during a Boy Scout campout in Gandy, West Virginia, left a lasting impression on him. While playing tag with his friends, Frank and a companion heard heavy breathing and the sound of something large approaching them. Although they never saw the source of the sounds, they were convinced that it was something massive and upright. Years later, Frank returned to Gandy for a fishing trip with his ex-wife's grandfather, Bill, and his son Johnny. During the night, they heard a chilling cry that Frank described as sounding like a woman being murdered, followed by a lion's growl and howl. Shortly after, a massive hickory tree began swaying back and forth as if something were trying to shake apples from a branch. Bill, a seasoned outdoorsman, suggested that only a bull elephant could cause such movement, but quickly added that there were no such animals in West Virginia. The next morning, Frank discovered claw marks on a tree about 15 feet off the ground, with grooves about one and a half inches deep. Although there were no tracks nearby, Frank couldn't help but wonder if they had encountered a Bigfoot. In addition to Frank's story, the discussion also includes an account from a woman named Holly, who, as a child, saw a creature with long, silky hair outside her grandmother's home in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Although Holly never saw a face, she is convinced that what she saw was real and not a product of her imagination. While these stories don't directly involve Bigfoot sightings, they serve as a reminder of the mysterious and unexplained phenomena that exist in our world. The awe and fascination that these stories evoke are what make the search for Bigfoot so captivating. I encourage you all to watch the video and share your thoughts on these accounts. Before I conclude, I'd like to share a fascinating bit of information related to the video. Did you know that the study of mysterious phenomena, such as Bigfoot sightings, is called cryptozoology? Cryptozoology is a multidisciplinary field that combines aspects of biology, zoology, and anthropology to investigate creatures whose existence has not been proven by the scientific community. Thank you for taking the time to read about these captivating stories. Remember to always keep an open mind and stay curious about the world around us. Happy Squatching!