Fork Sasquatch Day 2023: Meet Bigfoot Research Legends, New Docu-Premiere

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you won't want to miss the second annual Forks Sasquatch Days, taking place in Forks, Washington over Memorial Day Weekend in 2023. This event is shaping up to be an exciting one, featuring a lineup of notable researchers, authors, and experts in the field of Sasquatch studies. The video from the Forks Sasquatch Days YouTube channel gives us a sneak peek at what attendees can expect. Tove Johnson, who seems to be a savvy Sasquatch shopper, shares his haul from the Sasquatch the Legends store. From books and t-shirts to a walking stick and a hat, there's something for every Sasquatch enthusiast. But the real excitement comes from the list of speakers and events planned for the weekend. Doug Hajicek, creator of MonsterQuest, will be in attendance, along with Mel Cahan, a researcher from Yakima. The Olympic Project's David Ellis, author of "Rainforest Sasquatch," and Dr. Robert Alley, author of "The Locals," will also be sharing their knowledge and experiences. In addition to these experts, the event will feature a debate between researchers Rich Germo and Thomas Stejskal, as well as the premiere of "Flash Beauty Paranormal Bigfoot," directed by Brett Eichenberger and featuring cinematographer Michael Ferry and producer Jill Raymond Snyder. If you're interested in attending, tickets are available exclusively at And who knows, you might just run into a Sasquatch while you're there! Before we wrap up, here's a fun fact: Did you know that Sasquatch is also known as "Bigfoot" in some parts of the world? The name "Sasquatch" comes from the Halkomelem word "sasq'ets," which means "wild man" or "hairy man." We hope you're as excited as we are for the second annual Forks Sasquatch Days. Don't forget to check out the Forks Sasquatch Days YouTube channel for more updates and sneak peeks of the event. And as always, keep an open mind and stay squatchable!