Oklahoma Sasquatch Hunt: Investigating a 2009 Sighting and Unexplained Findings

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Wild Blue TV, a team of Sasquatch enthusiasts head out to Woolaroc, Oklahoma to investigate a sighting from 2009. The sighting occurred on a road south of the Woolaroc Wildlife Nature Refuge, where a group of friends reported seeing a Sasquatch-like creature sitting in a ditch. The creature was estimated to be around five feet tall and three to four feet wide, with orange eyes that reflected in the car's headlights. Despite searching for evidence, the only thing the friends found was some smashed down grass. During their investigation, the team from Wild Blue TV shares some interesting bits of information about Sasquatch. For example, did you know that Sasquatch is known to have a strong odor, similar to that of a skunk or a wet dog? This is due to the fact that they are believed to roll in the dirt and vegetation to cover their scent from predators. The team also discusses the possibility of multiple Sasquatch in the area, as there have been other reported sightings in the same vicinity. This is not uncommon, as Sasquatch are known to travel in family groups and have large territories. As the team continues their investigation, they come across a group of deer and a couple of possums, but no sign of Sasquatch. However, the possibility of a Sasquatch sighting is always exciting and keeps the team on their toes. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and their possible existence, be sure to check out the video from Wild Blue TV and keep an eye out for any signs of these elusive creatures in the wild. Who knows, you may just have your own Sasquatch sighting one day.