Bigfoot Sighting to Himalayan Yeti: Monsters in Folklore & Reality
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
Have you ever wondered about the existence of mythical creatures like Bigfoot? The YouTube channel The Sasquatch Archives TV has a video titled "MONSTERS! Mysteries of Myths?—Bigfoot Segment (1974)" that delves into this very topic.
The video explores the idea that monsters, such as Bigfoot, are often born out of the unknown and nurtured by the unexplained. Some people want to believe in their existence because it makes the world more colorful and exciting. As children, we live in a fantasy world and create all sorts of imaginary beings, but as we mature, we're taught to be less credulous and to believe only in what can be proven to exist. However, some people can't give up their imaginary creatures, and they create monsters that provide an outlet for their internal fears.
The video also touches on the fact that some monsters have had a basis in fact. For centuries, Western man had heard rumors about a legendary man-monster that roamed the jungles of darkest Africa. It wasn't until the late 19th century that science caught up with the legend, calling it the gorilla. New biological species are being found each year, yet some creatures remain myths.
In the Himalayas, the Abominable Snowman, or Yeti, is considered an evil spirit to be feared. The Yeti is considered a part of the mountain people's lives for centuries, but it only became known to the West in the late 19th century when British Mountaineers began to attempt to conquer Mount Everest. Tales of strange footprints left in the snow and actual evidence of the Yeti have been collected, but the existence of the Yeti is still widely debated.
In the video, anthropologists and naturalists joined in the search for the Snowman, looking in vain for bones or a dead carcass for something physical to bring home to all skeptics. Among the things they did find was a cave in 1958 said to be the lair of the Yeti and in 61, a yeti scalp. These artifacts, plus eyewitness testimony, convinced many of the Himalayan Travelers that the Snowman did exist.
The leader of one expedition, however, does not agree. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to reach the top of Everest, led an expedition in 1960 to search for the Snowman. After analyzing the mysterious footprints in the snow, he contends they were made by known animals, and he brought the alleged artifacts of the Yeti back to England for examination. The scout turned out to be that of an antelope, and the hide was that of a bear. He believes that many of the sightings, perhaps of the Abominable Snowman, came from people seeing this very rare animal, the Tibetan Blue Bear.
The Smithsonian Institution Secretary, S. Dillon Ripley, agrees with this assessment. He is convinced that it is possible in the mountains to have things elude one for generations. There are several birds that he is still looking for and hopes to find before he's through. He is also convinced that this kind of vast space high up does have an effect on people.
Despite the evidence presented, reports of the Abominable Snowman's possible existence continue to come in. In July 1974, a Sherpa girl, Lakpa Doma, claimed she was attacked by the Snowman. In recent years, a search for a similar creature has begun elsewhere in America, where the giant is said to have migrated on what was once the Bering Straits land bridge.
In The Dalles, Oregon, the first center has been opened to collect known data on the alleged monster, the American Yeti, known as Bigfoot. Peter Byrne of Ireland, who previously spent 16 years in the Himalayas looking for the Asian counterpart of Bigfoot, has decided to leave the Himalaya and come here to get into the Bigfoot investigation and search because he felt there was more chance of coming to a conclusion in this area in this country.
The video is a fascinating exploration of the idea of mythical creatures and the evidence for and against their existence. It's definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the topic. You can find the video on The Sasquatch Archives TV YouTube channel.