Sasquatch Encounter: A Message of Wisdom from the Afterlife

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Robyn Hyatt - The Blue Star," the channel's host shares some fascinating insights from a book she's been reading called "The Secret of the Second Coming" by Patricia Doyle. The book is based on Doyle's near-death experience and the information she received during that time. One of the key takeaways from the video is the idea of discernment when it comes to channelers and the information they share. Hyatt urges viewers to use their own reasoning and intuition when evaluating channelers and their messages, as not all channelers are the same and some may be more reliable than others. She also stresses the importance of considering whether the teachings of a channeler are limited, whether they make you feel less than you are, and whether they bring positivity into your life. Hyatt also shares some of her own automatic writing, which she did the night before recording the video. The writing is filled with cryptic messages and metaphors, and Hyatt suggests that it may be a coded message that can be broken apart and analyzed for deeper meaning. Towards the end of the video, Hyatt shares her personal experience with a Sasquatch that she saw at her window several years ago. She believes that this encounter was a significant moment in her life, as it marked the beginning of her spiritual awakening and the development of her unique abilities and insights. Overall, the video from "Robyn Hyatt - The Blue Star" offers a thought-provoking exploration of near-death experiences, channeling, and the importance of discernment. Whether you're a believer in Sasquatch or simply interested in the paranormal, there's something in this video for everyone. Be sure to check out the full video on YouTube and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.