New Bigfoot Sightings in Utah's Wasatch Mountains: Bipedal Tracks and Single-File Footprints

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Sasquatch Sightings at Francis Peak, Utah: A Video Analysis Greetings, fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! As a video curator for Squatchable, I'm excited to share with you an intriguing set of videos that have recently caught my attention. The clips, shared by the YouTube channel THE VAULT, show possible Sasquatch sightings in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, specifically at Francis Peak. The first video features two individuals filming from the town of Farmington, approximately 10.8 miles away from Francis Peak. The footage, taken in February 2023, shows a bipedal figure moving in the snow-covered mountains. According to the video, the snow at the peak is about 90 inches deep, making it quite a challenge for humans to navigate, let alone run, in such conditions. What makes this video particularly interesting is the comparison between the moving figure and a man walking in the snow. The size and gait of the figure suggest that it might not be a human. Additionally, the video was taken using a specialized camera, which adds credibility to the footage. The second video, taken just a few days after the first one, features a pilot flying over Francis Peak. The pilot noticed the first video on social media and decided to investigate. While flying, the pilot captured images of what appears to be large footprints in the snow, arranged in a single file. This observation supports the theory of a Sasquatch presence in the area. As an open-minded skeptic, I find these videos compelling for a few reasons. First, the extreme conditions and deep snow make it unlikely for a human to venture out alone in that area. Second, the tracks found in the second video are intriguing, as they would be difficult to fake or hoax. While we cannot definitively confirm that the figures in the videos are Sasquatches, the evidence presented is worth considering. The videos serve as a reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of these creatures, and they invite us to keep an open mind and stay curious about the world around us. To learn more about these fascinating sightings, I encourage you to watch the full videos on THE VAULT's YouTube channel and share your thoughts with our community. Remember, at Squatchable, we respect all opinions and believe in the possibility of Sasquatch's existence. Stay curious, my fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts, and keep exploring the world of Sasquatch!