BLM Employee's Account of Bigfoot Encounter and Missing Tracks in Oregon Forest

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel James Willows, a fascinating story of a Bigfoot encounter from 1979 in Oregon is shared. The witness, Dwayne e, worked for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for 35 years as a road inspector and had a close encounter with an upright, hair-covered creature near Baker Creek in the McDonald Forest region of Oregon. During the construction of a timber access road, vandalism occurred, including overturned barrels, small trees broken off, and packed out to the new road. One day, the road crew boss, Dave, noticed a terrible smell and saw a large, eight-foot-tall animal with hair all over its body, except around the eyes and nose, reach into his service vehicle and pull out a sack of oranges. After eating the oranges, the creature disappeared into the timber. The following Monday, Dwayne was called to the job site to examine some tracks found next to Dave's service truck. He casted 19 tracks, which were 19 inches long and eight inches wide. Although Dwayne couldn't identify the creature, he suspected it was a Sasquatch. The tracks were sent to colleges for identification, and Dave instructed all employees not to discuss the incident with others. The BLM eventually pulled the sale of the timber and removed the timber sale from auction. Dwayne believes that biologists knew what the creature was and decided to block the sale to protect the animal. This story is a great example of how credible people can share their experiences and let us decide what we think. While the video focuses on the Bigfoot encounter, it also highlights the importance of preserving these creatures and their habitats. The BLM and the United States Forest Service have likely known about these animals for many years, but have kept the information out of the public eye to prevent hunters from going after them for monetary gain or killing a rare animal. It's good to respect and protect these creatures, as they are an essential part of our natural world. Encounters like Dwayne's remind us of the mystery and wonder that still exist in our world. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to watch the full video on James Willows' YouTube channel. And as always, we encourage our readers to share their own experiences and thoughts in the comments below.