Host Recounts Encounter with Mysterious Small Bigfoot-like Creature: Swamp Monkeys?

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Crypto Zoology, host and cryptozoologist takes us on a journey through the history of "wild men" sightings, focusing on the elusive and enigmatic creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The video, titled "History Bigfoot, woodwose part 3 killings to captures," is a comprehensive guide to early Bigfoot sightings, captures, and even killings, complete with Sasquatch skulls, footprints, and DNA evidence. One particularly interesting part of the video is when the cryptozoologist shares his personal encounter with a strange creature in Illinois in the 1970s. While fishing in Kickapoo Creek, he heard strange noises coming from the woods and saw a small, monkey-like creature, about four to five feet tall, with no tail and a grayish rump. The creature seemed to be observing him before it got agitated and ran back into the forest. The cryptozoologist mentions that his relatives called these creatures "swamp monkeys" and that they had been reported in the local papers. In addition to the personal encounter, the video also touches on the topic of "monkey people" that have been reported throughout history, including in Alaska, Tennessee, and Illinois. These creatures are described as monkey-like, but with human-like characteristics, and are still being reported in various parts of the world. Another interesting aspect of the video is the discussion of the possible origins of Bigfoot. The cryptozoologist suggests that at least 70-80% of the sightings are likely to be primitive humans of different variations, while the remaining 20-30% could be descendants of an ancient "Giant" gene that has been reverted back to its original form due to isolation. This theory is supported by the discovery of small "hobbit-like" humans on various islands, which share similar characteristics to the descriptions of the rang pandak and other similar creatures. As a curator of this video, I find it fascinating to learn about the history of Bigfoot sightings and the different theories surrounding its origins. It's good to note that while the video does not provide definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot, it does offer a wealth of information and personal encounters that will leave you intrigued and wanting to learn more. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers to watch the video and share their thoughts and opinions. In addition to the Bigfoot-related content, the video also touches on other cryptids and strange creatures, such as a squid-like creature found in the Kankakee River. This serves as a reminder that the world is full of mysteries and unexplained phenomena, and that there is always something new to learn and discover. To sum up, the video from Crypto Zoology is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history of Bigfoot sightings and the various theories surrounding its origins. The personal encounter shared by the cryptozoologist adds a unique and intriguing perspective to the topic, and the discussion of "monkey people" and other cryptids adds even more depth and interest. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey through the history of wild men and Bigfoot sightings.