Hiker's Pika Encounter and Friend's Chilling Bigfoot Highway Experience
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video from The Facts By Howtohunt .com, the vlogger shares some eerie howls and voices they recorded in the wilderness. The video also delves into the fascinating topic of why people stop communicating with each other after a Sasquatch encounter. As a video curator for Squatchable, I found this video to be quite intriguing and thought-provoking.
The vlogger begins by sharing their experience of traveling to a remote location to retrieve their cameras, which they had placed on a mountain. Along the way, they encounter a Mountain pika, a small mammal that resembles a mouse without a tail. The vlogger takes a moment to appreciate this cute creature before continuing their journey.
As the video progresses, the vlogger shares a story about a friend who, along with her friend, had a Sasquatch encounter while driving from Whistler, British Columbia to Edmonton. The Sasquatch was so close to the car that the friend could see its teeth and facial expression. After the encounter, the two friends didn't speak to each other for the rest of the trip and eventually lost touch with each other.
This story prompted the vlogger to reach out to their audience for explanations as to why this happens. They received a response from a retired professor of psychology who offered a fascinating perspective. According to the professor, when people encounter something unknown and outside of their control, such as a Sasquatch, it challenges their sense of safety, control, and worldview. This can be a terrifying experience, and people may avoid talking about it to avoid reliving the fear and uncertainty.
The professor also notes that people may avoid discussing their encounter due to social pressure and the fear of being labeled as crazy or a "nut job" by mainstream society. This can lead to a sense of isolation and a loss of social connections.
As a curator for Squatchable, I found this video to be both educational and thought-provoking. It sheds light on the psychological impact of Sasquatch encounters and the reasons why people may avoid discussing their experiences. It also highlights the importance of creating a safe and welcoming community for people to share their stories and experiences without fear of judgment or ridicule.
To sum up, I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts and experiences with us. Let's continue to build a welcoming and supportive community for all Sasquatch enthusiasts.