Uncle Encounters Muscular, Hair-Covered Bigfoot in Cemetery

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid, a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter was shared. The video, titled "He Touched Bigfoot," tells the story of the videographer's uncle who had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while walking past an old cemetery one night. According to the video, the uncle saw something in the distance that he couldn't quite make out. At first, he thought it might be a tall person, but as he approached, he realized that it was something else entirely. The figure was too tall and muscular to be human, and it was covered in hair. The uncle tried to communicate with the creature, calling out to it and asking if it needed help. However, the Sasquatch did not respond. Despite the lack of response, the uncle felt compelled to offer his assistance, as he thought the creature might be in trouble. As he approached the Sasquatch, he reached out and touched its arm. The arm was long and muscular, with too much hair to be human. The creature immediately turned and ran away into the woods, leaving the uncle standing there, dumbfounded. The video provides an interesting insight into the possible behavior of Bigfoot. The uncle's desire to help the creature, despite not receiving a response, suggests that Sasquatches may be more intelligent and emotional than we give them credit for. In addition to the Bigfoot encounter, the video also touches on the topic of cemeteries. Many people believe that cemeteries are haunted or that they are a hotbed for paranormal activity. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Cemeteries are simply a place where the dead are buried. They are often peaceful and quiet, making them an ideal location for reflection and contemplation. While there may be an eerie feeling associated with cemeteries, this is likely due to the quiet and solitude, rather than any supernatural activity. Overall, the video posted on Dixie Cryptid's YouTube channel provides an interesting account of a possible Bigfoot encounter, as well as some food for thought when it comes to cemeteries and the paranormal. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot or the paranormal, be sure to check out the video and other similar content online.