Bigfoots' Caring Act: Charcoal Cure for Goat Parasite
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel SWAN LAKE BIGFOOT, a remarkable story was shared about the healing abilities of the Sasquatch. The video's title, "THE SASQUATCH HEALED MY GOAT! THAT DAY WAS AN AMAZING! DAY," caught my attention and I knew I had to share it with our readers.
The video begins with the channel's owner discussing their recent experiences and updates. They mention how the Sasquatch have helped them in various ways when it comes to caring for their animals, including letting their goats out to pasture when they were late. But the most fascinating part of the video is the story of how a Sasquatch healed one of their South African Boer goats.
The goat was suffering from a parasite called Coccidiosis, which can cause severe diarrhea and weight loss. The veterinarian informed them that the damage caused by the parasite is often irreversible and that the goat may not survive. However, the next morning, the channel's owner found the goat's water tub filled with burnt pieces of wood. The Sasquatch had chewed on these charcoal pieces and placed them in the goat's water tub, which turned out to be the perfect treatment for the parasite.
Charcoal is a well-known natural treatment for digestive issues, including diarrhea. It works by absorbing toxins and harmful substances in the digestive tract, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall digestive health. The Sasquatch seemed to instinctively know what the goat needed and provided the perfect remedy.
This story is a powerful reminder of the healing abilities of nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It also highlights the intelligence and compassion of the Sasquatch, who have long been known to have a deep connection with the natural world.
In addition to the fascinating story, the video also touches on the importance of unconditioning ourselves from negative narratives and fear-based beliefs about the Sasquatch. The channel's owner encourages viewers to approach the Sasquatch with an open mind and heart, and to recognize the potential for a positive and healing relationship with these magnificent beings.
Overall, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the Sasquatch or in the healing power of nature. The story of the healing goat is both fascinating and heartwarming, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings. So, be sure to check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments below.