Bigfoot Enthusiast Films in Talahina National Park: Permits vs. Private Land

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you've probably heard of the YouTube channel The Squatchin' Cowboy. The channel is run by a passionate Bigfoot researcher who shares his experiences and findings in the field. In one of his videos, he takes us to Talahina National Park in southeast Oklahoma, where he encountered some interesting things. In the video, the Squatchin' Cowboy talks about the challenges of filming in national parks. He mentions that having permits to film in these parks can be expensive, up to 150 dollars a day, and that the process of obtaining a permit can take up to 90 days. He also mentions that he has found a way around this by filming on private land near national parks. As Bigfoot researchers, we understand the importance of preserving the places where these elusive creatures are said to roam. However, we also recognize the challenges that come with filming in these areas. It's important for us to respect the rules and regulations set by the parks, while also finding ways to continue our research and share our findings with the community. One interesting bit that the Squatchin' Cowboy shares in the video is his method for casting prints. He uses a lightweight material called Hydrocal, which is a type of gypsum cement. This material is popular among Bigfoot researchers because it's durable, lightweight, and can capture fine details in the prints. He also shares his technique for mixing the Hydrocal with water to create a pancake batter-like consistency, which makes it easier to pour into the print. Another interesting aspect of the video is the Squatchin' Cowboy's discussion of the creek bed where he found some prints. He encourages viewers to share their opinions and thoughts on the area, and he plans to reply to all comments, good or bad. This is a great example of the sense of community that exists among Bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts. To sum up, the Squatchin' Cowboy's video from Talahina National Park is a great example of the challenges and rewards of Bigfoot research. From the discussions about filming permits to the tips for casting prints, there's something for everyone in this video. We encourage our readers to check out the video and share their thoughts with the community. Remember, we're all in this together, and every piece of the puzzle brings us one step closer to understanding these elusive creatures.