New Bigfoot Sightings: Michigan, Mexico, Canada, and Yellowstone - Watch Now!

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Greetings, fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! As a video curator, I'm excited to share with you some intriguing footage that I've come across on YouTube. The videos I'll be discussing today feature possible cryptid sightings, and while they don't explicitly show Bigfoot, they certainly have that Squatchable vibe that we all love. First up, we have a video from the YouTube channel TheGoat, showcasing a mysterious figure crossing the Cass River in Michigan. The figure appears to be large and humanoid, and some speculate that it could be a Bigfoot carrying a baby. The video has been slowed down for better observation, allowing us to see the figure's movement more clearly. Next, we venture to La Blanca, Mexico, where a tall humanoid figure is spotted walking along a mountain ridge during a party. The figure seems to be massive in comparison to the nearby homes, leaving viewers to wonder if this is a Bigfoot or something else entirely. TheGoat also shares a video of two individuals using the Random Nautica app, which takes users to random locations. While exploring, they notice a large figure on top of a mountain, seemingly strutting back and forth. The figure's size is impressive, making it a true mystery for us all to ponder. Moving on to a different video, we find Caleb and his friend in Ontario, Canada, who spot a humanoid figure on a mountain near a National Park. The figure is so far away that they need to zoom in significantly to get a better look. Curiously, the figure appears to be massive, and Caleb becomes captivated by the sighting, even returning the next day to find a structure built on the mountain that wasn't there before. In another video, a man named Andrew Ryan shares his experience of seeing a large figure in Ontario. He returns to the site the next day, only to find a roadblock and a mysterious car following him. Sadly, Andrew Ryan passed away under mysterious circumstances, leaving us to wonder about the secrets he may have uncovered. Lastly, the Yellowstone live camera footage captures four large figures in the background, seemingly stalking buffalo during wintertime. The figures' size and movement have sparked speculation that they could be Sasquatches. While these videos don't explicitly show Bigfoot, they certainly provide us with fascinating footage that leaves room for interpretation. I encourage all of you to watch these videos and share your thoughts with our community. Remember, we're always open to new ideas and perspectives here at Squatchable. Happy exploring!