Goat Man Sighting: Witness Account and Inner Earth Link
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Kofi Baraka, the topic of discussion revolves around various cryptids and legends, including the Goatman and Bigfoot. While the video is not directly related to Bigfoot, it does touch upon the world of the unknown and the mysterious, which is something that our readers at Squatchable are sure to find interesting.
According to Kofi Baraka, the Goatman is a creature that can live for thousands of years at a time, going in and out of the Earth and sleeping for extended periods. The Goatman is said to be a tall, powerful being, often seen with fur and horns, and is known to eat plants, human junk food, and even small animals. The creature is said to be most commonly spotted in Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and near DC.
The video then moves on to the topic of Bigfoot, which is known to be 800-1200 pounds and 9-11 feet tall. Bigfoot is said to have a strong smell and a loud voice, and is known to throw trees down as a defense mechanism or to mark its territory. The creature is also known to create booby traps using vines and sticks, which only an animal of its strength and control could do. Bigfoot is said to be most commonly spotted in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Alabama, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, California, and Connecticut.
One interesting bit from the video is the idea that Bigfoot may be more intelligent and family-oriented than we give them credit for. Kofi Baraka suggests that Bigfoot may have their own homes in the ground or in trees, and that they may have their own areas and territories. The video also suggests that Bigfoot may be more benevolent than we think, but that their behavior may be influenced by human actions and history.
Towards the end of the video, Kofi Baraka touches upon the topic of the Inner Earth, which is believed to be home to the people of Atlantis who became the 12 tribes of Israel. According to Kofi Baraka, the people of the Inner Earth live for thousands of years and do not age like humans do. He also suggests that the Inner Earth is a real place, separate from the seven continents that we know of, and that it is home to advanced technology and knowledge.
To sum up, while the video from Kofi Baraka is not directly related to Bigfoot, it does touch upon the world of the unknown and the mysterious. From the Goatman to Bigfoot and the Inner Earth, the video is a fascinating exploration of the world of cryptids and legends. We encourage our readers to check out the video for themselves and to keep an open mind when it comes to the world of the unknown.