Bigfoot's Gifts: A Native Legend of Sharing and Survival

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel Hidden Existence, titled "THE GIFT," we are told a fascinating story of friendship and generosity between a woman named Rainbow Dress and a being known by many names, including Bigfoot, Cone, and Sasquatch. The video begins by acknowledging the various names that Bigfoot goes by in different cultures, such as the Salish people calling him Square Knight Tim, which means "Stick Indians caretaker of the forest." This highlights the rich cultural significance of Bigfoot in indigenous communities and the respect they have for this elusive creature. Rainbow Dress, a strong and independent woman, discovers Cone with a hurt leg while she is out in the woods. Despite her initial surprise, she quickly offers her help and nurses him back to health. As a token of gratitude, Cone gives Rainbow Dress a gift - every full moon, she is to visit the spot where they first met, and she will find gifts left for her. True to his word, Rainbow Dress finds hides, meats, berries, wood, and fish on the branches of the tree where she first encountered Cone. As the story unfolds, we see how Rainbow Dress's selflessness and generosity inspire her community. After witnessing her kindness and the bounty she receives from Cone, her fellow villagers begin to visit her more often, bringing gifts and ensuring she always has food and warm clothes. This heartwarming tale reminds us of the importance of giving and the positive impact it can have on our communities. It also highlights the potential for cross-cultural understanding and respect when it comes to Bigfoot and other cryptids. By acknowledging and respecting the different names and beliefs surrounding these creatures, we can foster a greater appreciation for the natural world and the mysteries it holds. As curators of this video, we encourage our readers to watch it in its entirety and share their thoughts on the story of Rainbow Dress and Cone. Let us know what you think in the comments below, and don't forget to check out the YouTube channel Hidden Existence for more intriguing stories and content.