Family's Chilling Sasquatch Encounter Near Rogue River, Oregon
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
In a chilling account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch, a witness named Diane Johnson shares her family's experience from 1990 in Rogue River, Oregon. The video, posted on the YouTube channel Tinman Collections, titled "Reading- They Saw Sasquatch-'1990 Rouge River Encounter'," offers a first-hand perspective of the events that transpired.
Diane begins by describing how her family had just finished building a horse corral when her husband had to leave town for business. Suddenly, their Great Danes started barking frantically, and their other animals were acting strangely, indicating the presence of something significant. The family quickly locked themselves inside their home, hearing footsteps and noises outside that sounded like a gorilla beating its chest.
The following morning, they discovered that the horse corral had been destroyed, and large footprints were found near their property. Diane's neighbor also reported hearing eerie, hair-raising screams during the same period. Two weeks later, Diane's daughters had a sighting of a creature with reddish-brown fur while horseback riding in the mountains behind their house.
One interesting detail that Diane shares is that there had been recent logging activity in the mountains, which she suspects may have disturbed and angered the Sasquatch, causing it to vent its frustration on their property. This raises an important point about how human activities can impact these elusive creatures and their natural habitats.
In addition to the Sasquatch encounter, Diane's story highlights the significance of understanding the potential consequences of logging and other human activities on wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) states that habitat loss is the primary threat to the survival of many species, including those in the Pacific Northwest region where Diane's encounter occurred.
As Bigfoot believers, it's essential to consider the impact human activities have on these elusive creatures and their habitats. Encouraging responsible land use and supporting conservation efforts can help protect Sasquatch and other wildlife from the adverse effects of habitat loss and fragmentation.
We invite you to watch the video and share your thoughts on Diane's encounter and the importance of wildlife conservation. Let's continue the conversation about Sasquatch and our responsibility to protect their habitats and the natural world.