Ghost Boxes, Ghost Radar, and Multiverse: Paranormal Portal Explores the Unknown
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the paranormal-focused YouTube channel, Paranormal Portal, hosts Brent and Sheldon Thomas delve into a range of unexplained phenomena, including ghost boxes, REM pods, and the concept of a multiverse. While the video doesn't directly mention Bigfoot, it's worth taking a closer look at some of the interesting topics they discuss.
One of the main focuses of the video is the use of ghost boxes, a tool often used in paranormal investigations to supposedly communicate with spirits. The device works by scanning radio frequencies and picking up snippets of audio to create a seemingly coherent message. However, the hosts caution that not everything that comes through a ghost box should be taken as concrete evidence of a haunting.
Another device discussed in the video is the REM pod, a tool used to detect changes in the electromagnetic field around it. REM pods are often used in paranormal investigations as a way to detect the presence of spirits. While some believe that spirits can manipulate the electromagnetic field, others argue that the readings could be caused by any number of natural or man-made sources.
Towards the end of the video, the hosts touch on the concept of a multiverse, the idea that our universe is just one of many. This theory has gained traction in recent years, with some physicists suggesting that the existence of other universes could explain some of the more puzzling aspects of our own.
While the video doesn't directly mention Bigfoot, it's still an interesting watch for anyone interested in the paranormal. The hosts approach each topic with an open mind, acknowledging that there's still much we don't know about the world around us. Whether you're a seasoned paranormal investigator or just a casual fan, there's something in this video for everyone.
So, if you're looking to expand your knowledge of the paranormal and explore some of the more intriguing theories out there, be sure to check out the video from Paranormal Portal. And who knows, you might just learn something new about the world we live in.