Bigfoot's Late-Night Banging: A Colorado Camper's Shocking Encounter

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Modern Explorer, a witness named Kane shares his encounter with what he believes to be a Sasquatch in Florence Mountain Park, Fremont County, Colorado. Kane describes the creature as a large, hairy animal with dark brown to black fur. The encounter occurred at a distance of 20-30 yards, as the creature was peeking over a pine bush. Kane reports that the Sasquatch let out a "blood-curdling" growling howl, which made him realize that it wasn't one of his friends playing a prank on him. The creature's fur was reddish near the broken branches, indicating that it had been in the area recently. During the encounter, Kane was with two other friends, and they all heard the creature banging on trees in the surrounding area. The banging was so loud that they initially thought it was the sound of large branches being broken. However, upon closer inspection, they found that the branches were actually being hit against the trees, causing damage higher than they could reach. The witness also mentioned that there were piles of poop in the area, which looked like elk poop. However, he couldn't be sure, as he is a hunter and has experience identifying animal scat. In addition to the Sasquatch encounter, Kane also shared some interesting bits about other paranormal phenomena in the area. He mentioned that there have been reports of Will o' the Wisps, or strange, moving lights, on his property in Trinidad. These lights are said to be bright enough to cast shadows on the ground, and they move in and out of branches, without any discernible source. Kane also mentioned that he has seen odd lights in the sky around Salida, which he believes are not planes. These lights are said to move too low and too quickly to be aircraft. The video is a fascinating account of a Sasquatch encounter, as well as a glimpse into other paranormal phenomena in the area. If you're interested in learning more about Kane's encounter, be sure to check out the full video on Modern Explorer's YouTube channel. And if you have your own encounter to share, be sure to reach out to them at [email protected].