Three Global Encounter Narratives: Forest People Sightings

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel, a viewer shares their encounter with a pair of Sasquatch beings in Northern California. The witness, who was visiting a friend and meeting her parents in Susanville, describes seeing red embers burning in the darkness of the tree line. As they caught the attention of the witness, they decided to take a closer look. Upon moving closer, the witness noticed the red embers were not from a fire, but rather from the glowing red eyes of two large, hairy creatures. The witness goes on to describe the creatures as having one squatting on its ankles with its head cocked sideways, while the second creature was standing slightly bent over with its hands on its knees, both looking directly at the witness. Needless to say, the witness and their friend quickly left the area, shaken by the experience. In addition to this encounter, the video also shares two other forest people encounters from around the world. The first takes place in Fitzroy Falls National Park in New South Wales, Australia, where a witness and their mother saw a Yowie (the Australian version of Sasquatch) step out onto the road. The creature then morphed into a large wombat when it realized it had been seen. The second encounter occurs in the ghost city of Pripyat in Ukraine, where a witness and their Ukrainian colleague encountered a huge, two-legged creature in an abandoned gymnasium. These encounters serve as a reminder that Sasquatch sightings are not limited to North America and that these creatures are found all over the world. Furthermore, these encounters also suggest that Sasquatch beings have the ability to influence their surroundings and even change their appearance. In addition to the Sasquatch encounters, the video also touches on the topic of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the current situation in Ukraine. It is important to note that these topics are independent of the Sasquatch sightings and are not directly related to the creature. If you're interested in learning more about these encounters, be sure to check out the full video on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!