Sasquatch Encounter in Rampart Range: A Night Hike with Matteo

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Modern Explorer, host Matteo shares his second encounter with what he believes to be a North American hominid, or Sasquatch. The video, titled "The Scariest Game of Hide and Seek EVER - What Happened When I Ran Into Sasquatch?" details Matteo's experience while playing a game of hide and seek in the Rampart Range, near Glen Eerie and Flying W Ranch in Colorado. Matteo explains that he and his friend Tom often play a game called "Hunter" in the Foothills, where they run miles off trail at night, hunting each other or playing long distance hide and seek tag. On this particular night, Matteo arrived at the designated meeting spot before Tom and decided to explore the area while he waited. He found a way to get over a wall and ended up on a trail on the Glen Eerie side. As he waited for Tom, he heard a scream in the distance and knew it wasn't Tom. He immediately thought of the hominids that are known to inhabit this type of area. Matteo called Tom to confirm his whereabouts and Tom told him he was still a quarter mile away. Matteo's experience is a reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Sasquatch. While many believe in their existence, encounters are rare and often leave those who have them feeling shaken and questioning what they saw. In addition to the Sasquatch encounter, Matteo also shares some interesting information about the geology of the area. He explains that the Garden of the Gods and the Foothills were created by seabed that was flipped over and pushed up by the Rocky Mountain intrusion. This created natural walls that run from Red Rocks Canyon to Garden of the Gods and further up into Glen Eerie and Flying W Ranch. These walls are made up of formations that were once on the ocean floor, which is why they are so unique and striking. If you're interested in learning more about Matteo's encounter and the geology of the area, be sure to check out the full video on the Modern Explorer YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!