Arkansas Hunter's Encounter with a Six-Foot Tall, Naked Bigfoot

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

In a chilling account from the YouTube channel Survivorman - Les Stroud, a witness named Drew shares his encounter with a possible Sasquatch while duck hunting in Arkansas. The video, titled "Sasquatch Chronicles ft. Les Stroud | Season 3 | Episode 8 | Why Is That Guy Running," gives us a firsthand account of a sighting that is both intriguing and terrifying. Drew, a Navy veteran, was on leave and decided to go duck hunting in a remote area of Arkansas. As he was driving to his hunting spot, he noticed something moving in the woods. At first, he thought it was a person, but as it came closer, he realized that it was a large, dark brown figure, moving bipedally and at an incredible speed. Drew describes the figure as being about six feet to six feet five inches tall, with no clothes on, and moving extremely fast. He couldn't make out any facial features, but the body shape and movement were unmistakably not human. The figure ran across the road and into the woods, disappearing from sight. One interesting detail that Drew mentions is that the figure didn't leave any footprints in the snow, despite the fact that it was running at full speed. This has led some to speculate that Sasquatch may have a unique way of moving that doesn't leave traditional footprints. The video also touches on the topic of communication between Sasquatch. Drew mentions that he heard two voices, one male and one female, communicating in a language that he couldn't understand. This has been reported by other witnesses as well, and adds to the mystery surrounding these elusive creatures. It's worth noting that Drew wasn't a Bigfoot believer before his encounter. He had seen the shows and was open-minded about the possibility of their existence, but he didn't have any strong opinions one way or the other. His encounter has changed that, and he now believes that Sasquatch are real and living in the woods of Arkansas. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and their possible existence, be sure to check out the Sasquatch Chronicles podcast, where Drew's full interview can be heard. And, as always, keep an open mind and an eye on the woods. You never know what you might encounter out there.