Colorado Hiker's Close Encounters with Sasquatch on Pikes Peak

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot sightings are a dime a dozen in Colorado, a state known for having the most reported sightings in the Rocky Mountains, which includes both the US and Canada. The YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch recently shared two exciting reports from Colorado, and we're excited to share them with you. The first report comes from Tanner, who had an encounter with two Sasquatch while hiking in the Cascade area. Tanner had already heard about the area's reputation for sightings, but his experience still took him by surprise. He described the creatures as giant and lanky, with long arms that dragged on the ground. The sighting left Tanner so shaken that he stayed up all night with his doors locked. Tanner's experience is not unique. The park service put up a sign on Pikes Peak in response to a string of sightings in the 90s, and Tanner spoke to someone who worked for the park service who confirmed the sign was not a joke. Tanner also reported seeing Sasquatch tracks in the area, measuring 18, 15, and 12-13 inches in length. The second report comes from a gentleman named Cameron, who sent in a purported Bigfoot photo taken in Colorado in 2009. The photo, taken on a Blackberry, shows a large, dark figure standing behind a pile of pine straw. Cameron and his hiking partner saw the figure while hiking but were unable to replicate the photo from a different angle. Unfortunately, Cameron did not provide any information about the height of the creature or any tracks found in the area. Both of these reports are fascinating, and we encourage our readers to watch the video and draw their conclusions. It's always exciting to hear about new Sasquatch sightings and experiences, and we're grateful to channels like Rocky Mountain Sasquatch for sharing them with the world. On a side note, did you know that Sasquatch is often associated with the sound of rocks being thrown? Researchers believe that Sasquatch may throw rocks to communicate or as a warning to humans. So, the next time you hear rocks being thrown while hiking in the woods, don't dismiss it as just another animal. It could be a Sasquatch trying to communicate with you! To sum up, Colorado is a hotspot for Sasquatch sightings, and these two reports are just the latest in a long line of evidence that suggests these elusive creatures may be living among us. We encourage our readers to keep an open mind and continue exploring the world of Sasquatch. And, as always, happy squatching!