Unraveling Bigfoot's Diet: Survival Needs and Real-Life Encounters

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from The Facts By Howtohunt .com, the topic of Sasquatch is discussed with a scientific and military perspective. The video touches on the idea that Sasquatch cannot be an animal, due to the amount of meat it would need to consume daily to survive. According to the video, a wolf, which is a predator, needs at least two to two and a half pounds of meat a day to survive. When applying this to a Sasquatch, which is described as a thousand-pound being, it would need 35 pounds of flesh a day just to breathe. This is a significant amount of meat, and the video argues that it would be impossible for a Sasquatch to hide its tracks and feeding signs while hunting and gathering this amount of food daily. The video also discusses the idea that Sasquatch is not just an animal, but a being with intelligence and the ability to hide its existence from humans. The video mentions that there have been tens of thousands of eyewitness accounts of Sasquatch, and that the answer to its existence is "a little bit much for the average human mind to wrap around." In addition to the Sasquatch discussion, the video also touches on the topic of wolves and their hunting habits. The video mentions that an average wolf is only 65 to 70 pounds and needs around four pounds of meat a day to reproduce. The video also mentions that a wolf can eat up to 14 pounds of meat in one sitting. The video also mentions the idea that Sasquatch is a being that is here year-round, and that it is able to hide its existence from humans. The video mentions that there have been sightings of Sasquatch in the wintertime, and that it is able to survive in the winter months. Overall, the video from The Facts By Howtohunt .com offers an interesting perspective on the topic of Sasquatch and its existence. The video also provides some scientific background on the topic, as well as some interesting facts about wolves. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and the science behind its existence, be sure to check out the video.