Mysterious Man-Monkeys and Wolfmen Roam England's Cannock Chase - New Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you heard about the strange occurrences in the Midlands, close to Cannock Chase? If you're a regular listener of the Deborah Hatswell #BBR podcast, you might have already come across these eerie reports. But for those who haven't, let me fill you in on the bizarre happenings in this area. The first report comes from a gentleman who was wild camping behind a canal-side wall, surrounded by large pipes. During his camping trip in December, he saw something truly peculiar. As the trees were mostly bare, he had a clear view of two individuals across the lane above the canal. He soon realized that there were five people in total, and they seemed to be engaged in some sort of ritual. He distinctly heard the fluttering of wings and chanting in a language he didn't recognize. After they left, he discovered five ducks with their heads removed, arranged in a circle. A few days later, another witness came forward with her own experience. She was crossing a canal bridge when she saw a "monkey sort of man thing" jump down to the canal side. Shortly after, she heard an "evil, demonic-sounding moan and laughter" that left her feeling uneasy. These reports come from an area close to Cannock Chase, which is already known for its werewolf and Dogman sightings. In fact, a new sanctuary report was recently made by a YouTube listener who had an encounter with a Wolfman in 2013. While these stories are certainly intriguing, it's good to note that none of the content in the video is related to Bigfoot or Sasquatch. However, it does highlight the importance of keeping an open mind when it comes to the unexplained. Who knows, maybe one day we'll discover that Bigfoot and these mysterious rituals are connected in some way. If you're interested in learning more about these strange occurrences, be sure to check out the full video on Deborah Hatswell #BBR's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an eye out for anything unusual in the great outdoors – you never know what you might encounter!