Sasquatch Sighting in "Facts by" Video - Analyzed by Lavender Sky Panther

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel Lavender Sky Panther. The video, titled "Big Sky Foot: Cloaking Bigfoot and Cloaking Craft," explores the possibility of Bigfoot and cloaking technology. In the video, Lavender Sky Panther analyzes footage from another YouTube channel, with Steve Isdall. The footage shows objects being thrown at Steve while he's sharing emails, and Lavender Sky Panther becomes curious about what could be causing this phenomenon. Through analysis and enhancement of the footage, Lavender Sky Panther discovers what appears to be cloaked Bigfoot figures and craft in the background. One interesting aspect of the video is the use of the term "Sabe," which is derived from a Native American respectful term for Sasquatch, Bigfoot, or Yowie. Lavender Sky Panther identifies two forms, which they call Sub A1 and Sab A2, that emerge through the enhancement process. Another fascinating bit mentioned in the video is the Six Million Dollar Man episode "The Secret of Bigfoot," which features a two-part series on the creature. The episode includes a backlit Bigfoot played by Andre the Giant and a team of scientists, one of whom is a Native American representative. The episode also touches on the topic of cloaking technology and its potential use by Bigfoot or other entities. Overall, the video is an intriguing exploration of the possibility of cloaking technology being used by Bigfoot or other entities. It's always exciting to see new analysis and theories surrounding the existence of Bigfoot, and this video certainly provides food for thought. I encourage our readers to check out the video for themselves and draw their own conclusions.