Exploring Bigfoot Sightings: Real Encounters and Energy-Sensing Mystery

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel, a camper shares a fascinating encounter they had while camping in the Adirondacks in New York. The video, titled "There Was A Breathing Growl Right Effing Next To Me," features the camper recounting their experience of hearing footsteps and feeling a soft tap on their foot during the night. The camper describes the footsteps as sounding like a heavy person with soft shoes, walking by as if on a mission. They also mention feeling a subtle push on their foot, as if the being was trying to get their attention. The camper notes that they were too exhausted to be scared and instead felt a sense of peace and happiness. One interesting aspect of this encounter is the idea that the being may have been able to see the camper's energy through the material of their sleeping bag. The camper suggests that this is how the being was able to know they were awake and where their foot was. This idea is supported by other accounts of people encountering Sasquatch alongside a friend, with one person seeing the being and the other not. The video also touches on the concept of the Age of Aquarius and the idea that our planet and everything on it is starting to vibrate at a faster rate. Some people believe that this is causing our consciousness to rise and allowing some people to see or hear past the 3D Veil into the realm of the unknown. As Bigfoot believers, it's always intriguing to hear about encounters and experiences that people have had with these elusive creatures. The idea that Sasquatch may be able to see our energy and interact with us in subtle ways is a fascinating one. If you're interested in hearing more about this encounter and the ideas discussed in the video, be sure to check out the full video on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel. And as always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and consider the possibility that there may be more to our world than meets the eye. In addition to the Sasquatch encounter, the video also touches on the topic of the Age of Aquarius and the idea that our planet and everything on it is starting to vibrate at a faster rate. This is a concept that has been discussed by scientists and spiritual leaders alike, and it's interesting to consider how this may be impacting our consciousness and our ability to perceive the world around us. One interesting aspect of this idea is the suggestion that some people may be more advanced than others, allowing them to see or hear past the 3D Veil into the realm of the unknown. This is something that has been reported by many people who have had encounters with Sasquatch, with some people seeing the being and others not. Overall, the video posted on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel is a fascinating one, with a firsthand account of a Sasquatch encounter and a discussion of the Age of Aquarius and its potential impact on our consciousness. We encourage our readers to check out the full video and consider the possibility that there may be more to our world than meets the eye.