Almas: The Brown-Haired, Bipedal Humanoids of Central Asia

Posted Friday, January 19, 2024

By staff

Have you ever heard of the term "Yeti" and its association with wild men sightings across the globe? The term has been used as a blanket term to refer to various wild men humanoids such as Sasquatch, the Yeti, the Yeren, the Almas, and the Orang Pendek, among others. These creatures have been reported to inhabit isolated areas in different parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Russia, and even North America. Recently, I came across a video on YouTube that explores the persistent reports of wild men sightings, specifically focusing on the Russian Almas. The video, titled "Sasquatch Among Wildmen (2020) | Trailer | Shane Corson | David Ellis | Lee Lustig" and posted by the YouTube channel Flix For Free, delves into the descriptions of the Almas and its origins. According to the video, Almas are often described as robust human-like creatures that are around five to six feet tall, covered in brown hair, and walk in a bipedal manner. The facial features reported in sightings have given rise to a particular theory about their origins. One interesting bit of information I learned from the video is that the Almas are believed to inhabit isolated areas in Central Asia, such as the Caucasus Premier mountain ranges and the Altai mountains of Southern Mongolia. This fact highlights the possibility that these wild men humanoids may be adapting to their environments, just like how Bigfoot or Sasquatch is believed to have adapted to the forests of North America. The video also mentions lesser-known wild men humanoid Cryptids, such as the Russian Almas and the Almasty. These creatures are believed to be inhabitants of isolated areas in Central Asia, and their existence has been the subject of many discussions and debates among Cryptid enthusiasts. As a video curator for Squatchable, I find it fascinating to learn about other wild men humanoids and their similarities with Bigfoot or Sasquatch. By exploring and sharing information about these creatures, we can gain a better understanding of their possible existence and the role they play in our world. So, if you're interested in learning more about the Russian Almas and other wild men humanoids, I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts with us. Remember, here at Squatchable, we are open-minded and accept all ideas. Let's continue to explore and learn together.