Bigfoot Sightings In Water: Uncharted Aquatic Encounters
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024
By staff
Bigfoot sightings are a dime a dozen, but have you ever heard of reports of Bigfoot underwater or of Sasquatch swimming? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. The YouTube channel TCC Research recently shared some intriguing stories of Bigfoot and water that are worth a look.
One of the earliest reports of an aquatic Bigfoot comes from 1161, where a wild man was found on the English coast. The creature was described as tailless, hairy, and bald-headed, and when it was unable to speak, it was dumped back into the water. Chief Tom Brown of Clinton City also reported seeing a Bigfoot climb out of the ocean one night, and he didn’t seem to find it odd at all.
There are also numerous accounts of Bigfoot in the river or sea near Bellingham, Washington. Chief Joe Washington said the river is their highway, and many reports were made of seeing a Bigfoot there during a big run of sockeye salmon in the fall of 1967. A woman even reported seeing a dark, hairy figure waiting on the shore from the sea in broad daylight.
But perhaps the most fascinating stories are those of Bigfoot’s swimming abilities. A young girl witnessed a Bigfoot trying to catch fish in the sea, and Native Americans have said that Sasquatch can swim a long way underwater at a very fast speed. It’s said that when one passes, it makes a big swell in the river that surges along the bank.
Of course, the idea of Bigfoot as an aquatic creature is not a popular one. Renowned Bigfoot researcher John Green has said that it’s not reasonable to make up this type of creature and then put it in water. But these stories are still worth considering, especially since they come from reputable sources.
As a video curator, I encourage you to watch the full video from TCC Research for more interesting content about Bigfoot and water. And as always, be sure to visit our website at Squatchable for more fascinating stories and information about Bigfoot.
Now, here’s a fun fact: Did you know that Bigfoot is not just a North American phenomenon? There have been reports of similar creatures in other parts of the world, such as the Yeti in the Himalayas and the Yowie in Australia. It just goes to show that the mystery of Bigfoot is a global one, and there’s always more to learn and discover.